Meeting - June 24, 2024


Date: June 24, 2024
Members: Warwick Arden, Charles Maimone, Mladen Vouk
Subcommittee Representatives: Alicia Knight, Barbara Moses, Bill Davis, Cameron Smith, Dana Harris, Doug Morton, Lisa Johnson, Patrick Deaton, Sumayya Jones-Humienny

Approval of the Minutes: S. Jones-Humienny/W. Arden (5 min.)

Campus Planning Subcommittee

  1. Delegated Authority Determinations (see below): A. Knight (5 mins)
    1. Pappas Real Estate Program, Partners I Suite 2300 Space Lease Request #24-07
  2. Action Items: A. Knight (10 mins)
    1. External Affairs, Partnerships, and Economic Development (EAPED), Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC), Raleigh NC Lease, Space Request #24-08
    2. NC Institute for Climate Studies, Lease Amendment, 151 Patton Ave., Room 0411, Asheville, NC, Space Request #24-10
  3. Planning Updates:
    1. Campus Development Call for Needs (Info Item 24.03)
      1. Formal Engagement Process: S. Jones-Humienny (20 mins)
      2. Scoring Methodology and Impact/Importance Scoring
      3. Funding Strategies Update: B. Moses/D. Harris (15 mins)
      4. Next steps and Recommendations for Appropriated and Non-Appropriated
    2. Interim and Long-term Solutions for Poe Hall Relocations: A. Knight/S. Jones-Humienny (15 mins)
      1. CHASS Psychology (Related to Space Request #18-16)
      2. ii. CED Campus Development Needs Request
    3. Flex Lab Space/Site Request for Proposal (Info Item 24.07): A. Knight (5 mins)

Project Execution Subcommittee Items: C. Smith (20 mins)

  1. Project Updates and Impact on the Capital Development Plan
    1. Dabney/Cox Halls
    2. Mann Hall
    3. Page Hall
    4. Power Forward
    5. Small Animal and Metabolism Unit
    6. University Towers
  2. Hazardous Materials Assessments
  3. Existing Infrastructure

Other Business

Next Meeting:
Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:o0 PM


  1. N/A



  1. Pappas Real Estate Program, Partners I Suite 2300, Space Lease Request #24-07
    1. Description: Peter A. Pappas has provided a $10 Million gift to support a new program in real estate development education. For the past three years, the program, formerly named “The Initiative for Community Growth and Development”, has been housed at the College of Design in the basement of the Matsumoto wing, Room 117. The current office space, 117B, is very small and is shared by three staff (Director, Associate Director, and Production Assistant). The current office space is not large enough to accommodate all three personnel.The Provost encouraged Chuck Flink, Pappas Program Director, to discuss a new physical location. Real Estate and Development helped to identify available space in Partners I at Raleigh Founded in Suite 2300.
    2. Strategic Lease Requirements: The preferred location is in close proximity to Real Estate and Development, the Office of Partnerships, and the University entrepreneurial programs.
    3. Location: Partners I, 1017 Main Campus Dr., Raleigh, NC 27606
    4. Square Feet: One office.
    5. Lease Terms: $2,000 per month.
    6. Funding Source: The Pappas Program budget provides $18,000 to support a 9-month lease. They are in the process of raising additional capital funds to extend the lease beyond the 9-month term.
    7. Duration: Nine months with a possible extension.
    8. Timing: They will move as soon as approval is given, and the lease agreement is signed.
    9. Other: Raleigh Founded provides desks and chairs. The Pappas Program will supply the other office needs for personnel.


Monday, June 24, 2024
Holladay Hall, Conference Room 18
1:30 PM-3:00 PM

Attendance and Distribution

Members present: Warwick Arden, Charles Maimone, Mladen Vouk
Subcommittee Representatives present: Alicia Knight, Barbara Moses, Bill Davis, Cameron Smith, Dana Harris, Doug Morton, Lisa Johnson, Patrick Deaton, Sumayya Jones-Humienny
Guests: N/A

Approval of the Minutes

S. Jones-Humienny reviewed follow-up actions from the previous meeting. Discussion ensued regarding Item 2.2 with the shortage of classroom space, further exacerbated by the Poe Hall classrooms being taken offline, and the need for a scheduling policy to enforce more day/time spread to help alleviate this problem in the short and intermediate terms until more classrooms can be renovated or built.

The Committee is looking forward to receiving a proposed policy update to optimize classroom scheduling to meet demand.

[Subsequent to this meeting, Campus Planning met with Enrollment Management and Services (EMAS) to deter-mine the next steps for a policy update. Don Hunt proposed the following:

1. Include Charles Clift and Kyle Pysher to define the prime-time scheduling period and ascertain from scheduling data which subjects are most heavily scheduled within the prime-time.
2. Overlay the scheduling data onto the classroom neighborhoods and classroom station counts to gain physical needs insight.
3. Share scheduling analysis with academic units to inform the need for scheduling regulation development.
4. The proposed timeline is to deliver the analysis for items 1. and 2. by mid-October with the academic en-gagement occurring later in the fall. The anticipated presentation of the results for item 3 will occur by the end of Fall.

Campus Planning is to include Don, Charles, and Kyle in studies and programming efforts for building/renovation projects as part of the Campus Development process to help define the strategies to meet growing classroom demand, which include extending scheduling, providing more space, and/or hiring more instructors. Note: the approved growth projections, admission patterns, and course demands are needed to plan for future space needs.]

Other highlighted sections of the previous meeting minutes were discussed, including

  • 2.a.ii.3.: Prioritization for the next six years is to be broken out annually and include staffing projections to address increasing project workloads.
  • 2.a.iii.: Separate the non-appropriated needs from appropriated needs with a reminder that Self-Liquidating Authority may be needed for non-appropriated needs like the Carter-Finley Stadium East project.
  • 2.b.: PCOM Dean Buckless provided some informal feedback regarding site preferences for the new building, but site selection has not been determined. The designer, once selected, will study multiple sites, and the Committee will make final approval of selected site.

The minutes of the May 29, 2024 meeting were approved with the revision to strike “maintenance” from the following paragraphs and have been posted:
Item 2.2 paragraphs to read:

The Committee recommended CPS bifurcate the needs for renovation and new construction to expand inventory and address the needed funding accordingly. The Committee/CPS can submit a University Strategic Budget Initiation (USBI) request for each category as appropriate.

They requested CPS address renovation as one priority and new growth as another while concentrating on existing classroom space to increase utilization.

Approval of the Consent Agenda Approval:

    1.  N/A

Campus Planning Subcommittee Info Items – see the associated “2024-06-24-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” Campus Development Committee presentation for additional information.

  1. Delegated Authority Determinations: The following was approved:
    1. Pappas Real Estate Program, Partners I Suite 2300 Space Lease Request #24-07
  2. Campus Development Committee Action Items: The following requests were approved:
    1. External Affairs, Partnerships, and Economic Development (EAPED), Small Business and Technolgy Development Center (SBTDC), Raleigh NC Lease, Space Request #24-08
    2. NC Institute for Climate Studies, Lease Amendment, 151 Patton Ave., Room 0411, Asheville, NC, Space Request #24-10
  3. Planning Updates:
    1. Campus Development Call for Needs (Info Item 24.03)
      1. S. Jones-Humienny reviewed the Formal Engagement pilot for in-person/video presentations, which the Campus Planning Subcommittee found to be helpful and will now incorporate into the process. She reviewed the scoring methodology with the addition of a new tool allowing the Campus Planning Subcommittee members to score on importance and impact. C. Smith emphasized the importance of “Enabling and Preceding“ projects, which essentially require the project or another supporting project be funded to meet the requested need (e.g., providing swing space for a renovation project). Next, S. Jones-Humienny reviewed the prioritized order of needs submissions, which were grouped into three tiers and separated by appropriated and non-appropriated funding sources.
      2. She noted that although CED’s request is entitled as a new building, Subcommittee members have discussed with CED that this was evaluated as a renovation project since the structure is sound. C. Smith noted that the project would require substantially more time to demolish and rebuild on site/elsewhere and the request for emergency funding would be substantially greater.
      3. She asked if the Committee would like to see a spreadsheet listing all the needs with summary descriptions, links to the original requests, and links to the recorded Formal Engagement videos to aid in their final decision making for prioritization.
      4. B. Moses and D. Harris introduced a new Funding Strategies matrix to identify all potentially permissible funding sources; however, it is not a recommendation or plan. It is a tool for future decision making as projects are determined to be prioritized to move forward, at which time a recommendation could be made to leadership on the funding strategies.
      5. C. Smith noted that the Calls for Needs must integrate several projects already in process that need additional funding (refer to the list under Project Execution ) and must be placed at the top of the priority list for each appropriated and non-appropriated funding category to fully capture the top priority tier of needs.
      6. The Committee accepted the prioritization of the College of Education, not as a new building, but rather as a renovation. This need should be entitled “Renovated Education Building,” which is the current priority of the leadership. They agreed the suggested needs spreadsheet would be helpful in their final decision making for prioritization and requested on principle that existing funding requirements for in-process projects be given top consideration at the time of initiating new projects.
    2. Interim and Long-term Solutions for Poe Hall Relocations:
      1. CHASS Psychology (Related to Space Request #18-16):
        1. The Center for Technology and Innovation (CTI) lease space is not working for Psychology, as they prefer to be on main campus. Until their permanent location is made ready, which will take several years, they have requested use of the Hillsborough Building. OIT is in the process of vacating two floors to consolidate into the Avent Ferry Technology Center after a minor renovation project. The Hillsborough Building needs some mechanical, accessibility, and finishes improvements while those floors are vacant.
        2. The Committee requested the Subcommittee determine a full scope of work with associated costs to bring the building to appropriate baseline standards for occupant safety, comfort, and accessibility. These considerations should include investments for inter-mediate and long-term solutions, such as effective swing space for campus. They are concerned about moving Psychology into suboptimal space and wish to identify other opportunities.
      2. CED Campus Development Needs Request:
        1. CED will use CTI until the Poe Hall renovation is complete.
      3. Flex Lab Space/Site Request for Proposal (Info Item 24.07):
        1. A. Knight reviewed a few potential locations for consideration in response to a confidential research related RFP.
        2. The Committee was open to identifying real estate solutions to meet the needs, but wanted to emphasize that providing the space solutions does not indicate endorsement of a business model or financial obligation on behalf of NC State. Knight is to coordinate with the Facilities team on potential locations for a response to the RFP.

Project Execution Subcommittee Info Items

  1. Project Status Updates: See attached presentation “2024-06-24-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” for additional information.
    1. Project Updates and Impact on the Capital Development Plan: SCIF appropriated funding comes with the expectation that it must be spent quickly. See additional information in 3.a.iii above.
      1. Dabney/Cox Halls: need additional funding to complete the entire project and should be considered at the top of the needs request.
      2. Mann Hall: could also use additional funding and should be considered at the top of the needs request.
      3. Page Hall: has successfully bid and will start construction in July.
      4. Power Forward: is tracking over budget and needs additional funding in early FY24-25.
      5. Small Animal and Metabolism Unit – C. Smith asked if the $10M of central funding was available to progress this project into the next phase of construction. The Committee responded that no funding would be made available until CALS commits to funding the balance. C. Smith will follow up with CALS leadership.
      6. University Towers: is going well this summer and will be occupiable for Fall Semester 2024; however, additional funding will be needed due to unforeseen conditions. The cost estimate for an increase in capital and potential Self-Liquidating authority is forthcoming.
    2. Hazardous Materials Assessments: C. Smith commented broadly on the impacts that existing hazardous materials have on project budgets and timelines, particularly if the building was recently ac-quired by the university, e.g., 2101 Blue Ridge Road
    3. Existing Infrastructure: C. Smith commented broadly on similar impacts that existing underground infrastructure (i.e., utilities) has on project budgets and schedules as well, e.g., Mann Hall’s recent exposure of a deteriorating telecommunications duct bank.

Other Business

  1. M. Vouk is retiring on July 1st. This is his last Campus Development Committee meeting. Alyson Wilson, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Professor of Statistics, will serve as the Interim Vice Chancellor for Research, effective July 1st.

Next Meeting: July 22, 2024, from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned: 3:00 PM