Meeting - November 25, 2024
Date: November 25, 2024
Members: Warwick Arden, Charles Maimone, Alyson Wilson
Subcommittee Representatives: Alicia Knight, Allen Boyette, Barbara Moses, Bill Davis, Cameron Smith, Dana Harris, Doug Morton, Lisa Johnson, Patrick Deaton, Sumayya Jones-Humienny
Guests: Don Hunt, Charles Clift
Approval of the Minutes: W. Arden (1 min.)
Consent Agenda Approval: N/A
Campus Planning Subcommittee Items
- Delegated Authority Determinations: One item below: A. Knight (1 min)
- Action Items:
- Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBDTC), 5 W Hargett St, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC Strategic Lease,
Space Request #24-23: A. Knight (5 mins)
- Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBDTC), 5 W Hargett St, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC Strategic Lease,
- Information Items:
- 110 Classroom – Baseline Utilization and Proposed Update to Classroom Scheduling Policy (Info Item 24.12): C. Clift/D. Hunt (25 mins)
- DELTA Testing Center Study 202413010, DH Hill Library Related to Space Request #23-20: S. Jones-Humienny (15 mins)
Project Execution Subcommittee Items: C. Smith (15 mins)
- Updates:
- Mann Hall Renovation
- Research Support Facility
Other Business
Next Meeting:
Monday, December 16, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:o0 PM
All items are recommended for approval
- N/A
- The Collaborative – Gateway Tech Center, 3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd Street, Rocky Mount, NC Strategic Lease, Space Request #24-22. The Campus Planning Subcommittee approved the request.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Holladay Hall, Conference Room 18
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Attendance and Distribution
Members present: Warwick Arden (virtual), Charles Maimone, Alyson Wilson
Subcommittee Representatives present: Alicia Knight, Allen Boyette, Barbara Moses, Bill Davis, Cameron Smith, Dana Harris, Doug Morton, Lisa Johnson, Patrick Deaton, Sumayya Jones-Humienny
Guests: Don Hunt and Charles Clift with EMAS Registration and Records
Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the October 28, 2024, meeting were approved and have been posted.
Campus Planning Subcommittee Info Items
- Delegated Authority Determinations: The following was approved:
- The Collaborative – Gateway Tech Center, 3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd Street, Rocky Mount, NC Strategic Lease, Space Request #24-22
- Consent Agenda: N/A
- Action Items:
- Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBDTC), 5 W Hargett St, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC Strategic Lease, Space Request #24-23: A. Knight presented the request.
- Recommended Priorities for Appropriated and Non-appropriated Needs:
- SBTD has been in its current downtown location for about 20 years; however, they are looking for a strategic lease closer to the university before the lease expires in December of 2025.
- The Committee approved the decision to move forward with negotiations on a new lease and to bring it before the Board of Trustees for final approval.
- Recommended Priorities for Appropriated and Non-appropriated Needs:
- Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBDTC), 5 W Hargett St, Suite 600, Raleigh, NC Strategic Lease, Space Request #24-23: A. Knight presented the request.
- Information Items:
- 110 Classroom – Baseline Utilization and Proposed Update to Classroom Scheduling Policy (Info Item 24.12): D. Hunt introduced, and C. Clift presented, see the associated “2024-11-25-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” for the “2024-11-25 CDC 110 Classroom Utilization Analysis-Fall2024” [pdf slide] presentation.
- Because there is a current shortage of classrooms with the closure of Poe Hall and numerous other buildings under renovation, Registration and Record’s (Reg & Rec) goal is to increase the spread of course sections across scheduling blocks for each academic weekday to use more available scheduling hours.
- Their method is to define the prime-time scheduling period, ascertain scheduling data by subject/academic organization, and overlay the scheduling data by classroom region or neighborhood with classroom seat counts. Reg & Rec will share the information with the academic organizations that have the least spreads to let them decide the best way to increase them.
- Reg & Rec is asking the Committee for the charge to create a University Regulation for academic organizations’ compliance.
- The Committee asked whether the fill rate of enrolled students was factored into each classroom’s capacity. Campus Planning stated that the fill rate requirement increased from 65% to 75% with the 2023 Physical Master Plan to achieve better efficiency.
- The Committee noted that 110 classrooms are also used for events and study groups outside of classes and requested Reg & Rec consider any pinch points.
- The Committee is in favor of creating this University Regulation and placing control of the spread with the academic organizations. Reg & Rec will present the findings and the regulation to the Faculty Senate and the Academic Policy Committee of the Faculty Senate. Reg & Rec will return to a future Campus Development Committee meeting to provide an update.
- DELTA Testing Center Study 202413010, DH Hill Library (Related to Space Request #23-20): S Jones-Humienny presented. See the associated “2024-11-25-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” for the “2024-11-25 CDC DELTA Testing Ctr in DH Hill Test Fit rev” [pdf slide] presentation.
- Because the D.H. Hill, Jr. Library was ascertained to be the best location for DELTA Testing Center’s relocations as it pertains to student success, the purpose of this study was to determine whether it is feasible to accommodate both the core and pop-up testing facilities on the 4th Floor of the North and South Bookstack Towers.
- The findings of the study demonstrated that it is feasible, but costly, as the building systems (plumbing, mechanical, and electrical) are at the end of their service lives. Therefore, they must not only be replaced but they must also increase in capacity to address greater occupant and equipment loads.
- The cost for the core facility is about $8M and the cost to include the pop-up facility totals approximately $10.5M in today’s dollars. Escalation must be factored in, and the amount will depend on when funding can be procured. Facilities submitted the $8M request as the 4th priority on the 2025-27 Biennial Six Year Capital Plan in the Major Repair and Renovation category.
- Funding sources could be from SCIF R&R, Carry Forward R&R, Gifts, and ETF funds, but not debt.
- P. Deaton shared the Libraries’ concern about the net loss of between 83 and 197 study seats, and at least 8 study rooms. Campus Planning noted that with each renovation or new academic project, study/lounge space is added across campus.
- Since DELTA Testing Center’s lease expires in four years, the Committee stated they would like to relocate both the core facility and co-locate the pop-up facility (currently in the McKimmon Center) to the library; however, there is no available funding without an appropriation from the state legislature. They asked the Campus Planning Subcommittee to look for an alternate lease space solution while continuing to study obtaining more study space in the library. One option is to use the mechanical penthouse space on the roof where a cooling tower was removed to place the new equipment rather than put a new equipment room on the 5th Floor. The intent is to pursue this relocation as a long-term solution, knowing that it will take more time and more funding.
- 110 Classroom – Baseline Utilization and Proposed Update to Classroom Scheduling Policy (Info Item 24.12): D. Hunt introduced, and C. Clift presented, see the associated “2024-11-25-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” for the “2024-11-25 CDC 110 Classroom Utilization Analysis-Fall2024” [pdf slide] presentation.
Project Execution Subcommittee Info Items
- Project Status Updates: C. Smith presented. See the associated “2024-11-25-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” for the “2024-11-25 CamDevCmte Pres Proj Exec Updates” [pdf slide] presentation.
- Research Support Facility: Facilities is revisiting site selection options for this 90-day holding facility for Centennial Campus since the original location near the Lonnie Poole Golf Maintenance facility negatively impacts it. The proposed alternative site near the intersection of Trailwood Dr. and Main Campus Dr. is close to utilities. The Advanced Nuclear Research Facility is also considering this location and requires about eight acres. Facilities will confirm that these functions are compatible.
- Mann Hall Renovation: Facilities is pursuing two options for $10M of additional funding as the risk of shelling out the 4th Floors has major impacts to the College of Engineering’s growth for new hires.
Other Business
- N/A
Next Meeting: Monday, January 27, 2025, from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Meeting Adjourned: 2:55 PM