Meeting - August 26, 2024


Date: August 26, 2024
Members: Warwick Arden, Charles Maimone, Alyson Wilson
Subcommittee Representatives: Alicia Knight, Allen Boyette, Barbara Moses, Bill Davis, Cameron Smith, Dana Harris, Doug Morton, Lisa Johnson, Patrick Deaton, Sumayya Jones-Humienny
Guests: Peter Fedkiw, Abhinav Gupta (College of Engineering)

Approval of the Minutes: W. Arden (1 min.)

Campus Planning Subcommittee

  1. Delegated Authority Determinations: see below (A. Knight, 1 min.)
  2. Action Items: L. Johnson (30 mins)
    1. Campus Development Call for Needs (Info Item 24.03)
      1. Recommended Priorities for Appropriated and Non-appropriated Needs
      2. ii. FY 2025-27 Six Year Capital Plan Submission
    2. COE Molten Salt Loop Renewable Energy Research Facility Study Request, Related to Nuclear Research Facility Feasibility Study: P. Fedkiw, A. Gupta (15 mins)
  3. Planning Updates:
    1. Confidential: RDU Padel Club Proposal (Info Item 24.09): A. Knight (10 mins)
    2. EVA Specifications Real Estate (Info Item 24.10)
    3. AI Data Center Requirements: L. Johnson (5 mins)

Project Execution Subcommittee Items: C. Smith (15 mins)

  1. Updates:
    1. Relocate Small Ruminant and Metabolism Units #202220017

Other Business

Next Meeting:
Monday, September 23, 2024, 1:30 PM – 3:o0 PM


The following was approved.

  1. CED, Belk Center Lease Extension, Lease Extension Space Request #18-22


Monday, August 26, 2024
Holladay Hall, Conference Room 18
1:30 PM-3:00 PM

Attendance and Distribution

Members present: Warwick Arden (virtual), Charles Maimone, Alyson Wilson
Subcommittee Representatives present: Alicia Knight, Allen Boyette, Barbara Moses, Bill Davis, Cameron Smith, Dana Harris, Doug Morton, Lisa Johnson, Patrick Deaton, Sumayya Jones-Humienny
Guests: Peter Fedkiw; Abhinav Gupta

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the June 24, 2024, meeting were approved and have been posted.

Approval of the Consent Agenda Approval: N/A

Campus Planning Subcommittee Info Items – see the associated “2024-08-26-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” Campus Planning Committee presentation for additional information.

  1. Delegated Authority Determinations:
    1. CED, Belk Center Lease Extension, Lease Extension Space Request #18-22: The Campus Planning Subcommittee approved the lease extension request.
  2. Action Items:
    1. Campus Development Call for Needs (Info Item 24.03)
      1. Recommended Priorities for Appropriated and Non-appropriated Needs:
        1. L. Johnson presented the Campus Development planning process, indicating that we are at the milestone where the Committee gives informed guidance and solidifies the priorities for the University’s long-range Capital Development Plan and for the UNC System Office’s biennial FY 2025-27 Six-Year Capital Plan submission, which is due by October 4, 2024, for the state funding request.
        2. She presented the Immediate Needs list for appropriated and non-appropriated funding categories, including the associated infrastructure and timelines, and requested the Committee formally approve these.
      2. FY 2025-27 Six Year Capital Plan Submission:
        1. L. Johnson presented the five categories of projects plus Building Reserves, explaining the requirements of each.
        2. D. Morton stated although the Poe Hall Renovation is the top priority as it had to be vacated by the College of Education (CED) and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ (CHASS) Psychology Department, who were displaced into swing space. It was not added to this list until it became an emergency. The memo to the UNC System Office will specifically call it out as an emergency project and the required UNC Capital Project Authorization form will accompany the memo to request $180M.
        3. The next immediate priority is to request an additional $15M to complete renovations on the 3rd and 4th floors of 111 Lampe Drive, where the CHASS will relocate permanently. This move will provide adequate space for them and allow CED to grow in Poe.
          1. C. Smith noted although $42M was requested for renovations several cycles ago, steep escalation requires an additional $15M this cycle to finish the comprehensive renovations, including building systems and window replacements. C. Maimone indicated fitting the Psychology Department into this building is the priority.
          2. L. Johnson added the eight generally-scheduled classrooms must remain for instructional programmatic needs.
        4. The Engineering Classroom Building for the College of Engineering’s growth requires Central Utility Plant (CUP) expansion and distribution regardless of where the new building is sited. The Physical Master Plan shows several options on Centennial Campus, but the former and current deans prefer completing the Oval for proximity to the other engineering buildings per the original plan for relocating engineering to Centennial Campus.
        5. Two projects already underway, Dabney Hall and Mann Hall Renovations, are also underfunded and will request additional funds for completion.
        6. The 110 Classroom Renovations and Growth for generally-scheduled classes need course scheduling evaluation. The Campus Planning Subcommittee will make a request to the Committee to form a task force to lead this evaluation.
        7. Holladay Hall renovations are also included in the six-year plan and are slated to start as late as FY 2026-27.
        8. For non-appropriated projects, Athletics is not ready to submit the Carter-Finley renovation as they need to first determine available resources for the project. All other non-appropriated projects will be included in the six-year capital plan in some manner. The Cates West development is the largest request, and costs will be presented at the next Committee meeting.
      3. The Committee approved the prioritized list of projects for the University’s Capital Development Plan and for the UNC System Office’s FY 2025-27 Six-Year Capital Plan submission. They requested the order be shown as discussed, putting the Education Building first with “New Building” corrected to “Renovation” and 111 Lampe Drive Renovation for the Department of Psychology shown second. [Subsequent to the meeting, these corrections were made as the “Rev1” version of the presentation.]
    2. COE Molten Salt Loop Renewable Energy Research Facility Study Request, Info Item 24.10 (Related to Nuclear Research Facility Feasibility Study #202314002):
      1. Guests P. Fedkiw and A. Gupta presented the proposed study, which can be independent of the Nuclear Research Feasibility Study underway, but a bonus to it for development of new materials using energy sources such as nuclear, solar, geothermal, electrical, etc. Its potential impact is social, economic, and the achievement of net zero carbon goals. This integrated energy research will focus on scaling up this technology and can elevate NC State’s profile.
      2. COE has socialized this internally and with a few industry partners to some degree. Potential partners include: EPRI (Electrical Power Research Institute); Duke Energy; Dominion Energy; Southern Energy Management NC; and Flowserve Corporation.
      3. The preferred location is near the new nuclear reactor, and it may need additional space to grow later. The configuration of the loop may be horizontal, needing about 30,000 GSF, or vertical to save space.
      4. The study cost is approximately $200,000 and will be partially funded by at least one industry partner with some contribution from COE.
      5. The Committee approved proceeding with the study.
  3. Planning Updates:
    1. Confidential: RDU Padel Club Proposal (Info Item 24.09): A. Knight presented an opportunity for consideration and informational purposes. The Committee provided feedback that recreational uses that have the opportunity to increase the level of activity and sense of place on Centennial Campus were uses the committee would be open to considering. Knight will work with the Subcommittee to identify a potential path forward for such items.
    2. EVA Specifications Real Estate (Info Item 24.10): A. Knight presented an opportunity for consideration and informational purposes to develop an EVA immersive technologies gaming experience on campus. The proposal would be for the University to provide the land, but not fund the project. The Committee determined this is not a priority, given the university’s many other competing priorities.
    3. AI Data Center Requirements: L. Johnson explained that artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on the University as it continues to develop. A study is underway to determine costs and space needs. Discussion ensued, noting that there are three aspects to high performance computing:
      i. CPU driven.
      ii. GPU driven for AI – this takes eight times more energy than CPU driven.
      iii. Both of the approaches above require storage.
    4. The Committee is concerned about long-term implications and recommended producing a plan with a view to sourcing future needs. OIT is developing a plan with three separate sets of hardware as the University must address all three aspects above.

Project Execution Subcommittee Info Items

  1. Project Status Updates: See attached “2024-08-26-CamDevCmte-Minutes-and-Presentation.pdf” for additional information.
    1. Relocate Small Ruminant and Metabolism Units #202220017: C. Smith presented an update to the project required to relocate these units from Reedy Creek to Lake Wheeler.
      1. The University is now approximately in year four of the ten-year lease that expires in 2031.
      2. The latest cost estimate for the entire scope is $30M, which exceeds the resources allocated by the Executive Vice Provost for the Office of Finance and Administration (OFA).
      3. The OFA has allocated $10M in funding from central resources for this project; therefore, the scope must be reduced to meet this limit, or additional resources must be identified by CALS. C. Smith proposed a partial relocation of the program while CALS fundraises for additional monies, which would only partially vacate the site. He requested permission to capitalize the $10M to move this project forward.
      4. The Committee asked whether the current lease could be extended as the ten-year timeline requires mitigation of hog waste. C. Smith noted hog waste lagoons are related to the Metabolism Unit, which cannot be relocated to new facilities at Lake Wheeler within the $10M budget, whereas the Small Ruminants unit could be relocated within the $10M budget.
      5. A. Knight stated the University does not have the rights to extend the lease and the new owner may not entertain this request, as the expectation is that the University will have vacated the site by 2031.
      6. The Committee asked whether this program is critical to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and recommended the Provost and the CALS Dean determine the parameters to change the scope to fit within the budget

Other Business

  1. N/A

Next Meeting: Monday, September 23, 2024, from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned: 3:04 PM