GEP Courses for Review for 2014-2015

Per the requirements of the approved General Education Plan, all courses designated to fulfill a GEP category at the time of implementation in July 2009 are to be reviewed to affirm the course meets the GEP category objectives.

Courses to be reviewed must complete the GEP Course Submission Form for the applicable GEP category.

If a course is to be reviewed for more than one category, the GEP course submission form for each category should be completed and submitted at the same time for review.


For the 2014-2015 term, the goal is to complete review for the USD, GK, IP and VPA categories and submissions for courses on the HUM, SS, and NS lists should occur concurrently.

List of courses remaining to be reviewed by GEP Category

List of courses remaining to be reviewed sorted by College


For questions, please contact or
Office of Undergraduate Courses and Curricula,