
Committee Charge

August 1, 2015

Administrative Support Office: University Dining (Randy Lait, Director of Dining Services)

Contact for web site: Shawn Hoch

Meeting Schedule

The University Dining Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month during the academic year with the exception of December. The meetings are held in the Talley Student Center Board Room from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Committee Charge

  1. Advise the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration concerning on-campus food services.
  2. Be familiar with the services.
  3. Receive suggestions from students, faculty and staff.
  4. Review long-term food service needs.
  5. Review catering services on an on-going basis.
  6. Consult with the Faculty Senate’s Resources and Environment Committee for consideration of policies, procedures or other matters having across-campus impact.