Meeting - November 27, 2023


Monday, November 27, 2023
Holladay Hall, Conference Room 18
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Attendees:  Warwick Arden; Charles Maimone; Mladen Vouk; Doug Morton; Alicia Knight; Barbara Moses; Dana Harris; Lisa Johnson, Cameron Smith and Sumayya Jones-Humienny

Campus Planning Subcommittee

  1. Poe Hall Update: D. Morton (15 mins)
  2. Space/Lease Requests: A.Knight (5 mins)
    1. 16-03 Institute for Advanced Analytics, Strategic Lease Renewal
  3. Projects/Campus Needs Discussion: L. Johnson/S. Jones-Humienny (70 mins)
    1. Cates-West Development
    2. Poole College of Management (PCOM) New Building
    3. Engineering Classroom Building
    4. 111 Lampe Renovations
    5. Nuclear Research Reactor Feasibility Study
    6. Athletics Self-Liquidating Authority Requests

Other Business

Next Meeting:
Monday, December 18, 2023, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM for Project Execution Subcommittee – Review


Monday, November 27, 2023
Holladay Hall, Conference Room 18
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Attendance and Distribution
Members present:  Warwick Arden; Charles Maimone; Mladen Vouk

Subcommittee representatives present: Alicia Knight; Barbara Moses; Bill Davis; Cameron Smith; Dana Harris; Doug Morton; Lisa Johnson; Patrick Deaton; Sumayya Jones-Humienny

Guests: N/A

Approval of the Minutes
This is the first meeting of the Campus Development Committee.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

Action Items

  1. Space/Lease Requests:
    1. #16-03 Institute for Advanced Analytics Strategic Space Lease: Knight stated the current lease expires in June of 2025 and they are requesting approval to pursue a lease renewal in the Alliance Building or to pursue a new lease. The space was upfitted for their teaching needs, is fully occupied, and the Budget Office has verified Advanced Analytics has enough funding to cover lease costs with an expected marginal increase. The committee approved this request.

Campus Planning Subcommittee Info Items – see the attached 2023-11-27 Campus Development Committee Meeting Presentation:

  1. Poe Hall Update (Info Item 17.05): Due to the recent discovery of PCBs inside Poe Hall, D. Morton explained the urgency of finding the replacement spaces for 17 generally-scheduled classrooms (plus several teaching and computer labs) for the College of Education’s (CED) and College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) Psychology’s classes for the spring 2024 semester. Inquiries are coming in about safety concerns in other colleges and buildings. Legal counsel must be brought in for advisement. The timeline is challenging without a subject matter expert (SME) on board to provide testing, cleaning, and safety/personal protective equipment (PPE) protocols.
    Campus Planning is leading the replacement space effort with outstanding needs under review and the following considerations underway:

    1. Classrooms, Teaching Labs, and Computer Labs:
      1. To increase the inventory, the Facilities Division is creating some new classrooms in 111 Lampe while Registration and Records tries to reschedule as many Poe classes as possible in existing classrooms elsewhere on campus.
      2. For the remaining deficit of teaching and computer lab space, they are investigating other colleges’ teaching labs and conference rooms in the neighborhood for suitability and availability.
    2.  CED:
      1. CED is visiting the Hillsborough Building and Center for Technology and Innovation (CTI) for vacant, furnished space immediately available on the 2nd and 3rd floors for administrative and academic office space. [Subsequent to the meeting, the determination was made that Hillsborough Building cannot be vacated or made ready in time for spring semester but can be available further out. The determination was later made to assign CED to CTI 3rd floor and CHASS Psychology to CTI 2nd floor available space.]
      2. The Libraries has offered space for CED’s Research and Advising needs in D.H. Hill, Jr. Library.
    3. CHASS Psychology:
      1. Psychology has not submitted their complete list of space needs yet. [They subsequently submitted a more comprehensive list of needs and toured Gardner, Hillsborough Building, and CTI 2nd]
      2. Their Psychoeducational Clinic will go to space on the Research IV suite 3100. The space is vacant but not move-in ready.
      3. Some of their sponsored research can go in Research IV suite 2050; however, the College of Engineering (COE) also requested this suite.

The committee approved the assignment of Research IV Suite 2050 to CHASS Psychology and asked how they could help.

  1. Projects/Campus Needs Discussion:
    1. Cates-West Development: L. Johnson noted that the Physical Master Plan (PMP) orientation will complete before the call for needs goes out. The Cates-West Development rose to the top of priority projects from the PMP due to the anticipated growth of the university and poor housing and dining inventory. This project envisions removal of three residence halls, a dining hall, and the West Dunn building without the net loss of beds over multiple. The project will consider all neighborhood needs and project delivery methods, utility impacts, and transportation demands. Per the new Campus Development process, it will include many stakeholders.The scope comprises approximately one million square feet of buildout, depending on the number of stories, ranging from three to seven. The net growth of beds will be at least 500. The project will primarily be funded from auxiliary sources.
    2. Poole College of Management (PCOM) New Building: L. Johnson explained that the program shows the worst-case scenario with all the classrooms needed if the building is sited on Centennial Campus, which is currently short on classroom space. If sited on North Campus, then it can leverage the use of existing facilities for classrooms and student services. Siting on North Campus will likely require the removal of poor-condition buildings as the PMP envisions. The funding source is undetermined so consideration may be given to constructing a smaller new building and renovating Nelson Hall.D. Morton recommended that the committee advise External Affairs, Partnerships and Economic Development on the amount of funding needed for this project and include them in the committee meetings. The committee recommended PCOM fund a gift assessment study to help determine the gift funding opportunities. They encouraged experimenting with more efficient office space arrangements like those used by corporate America in the project pre-design. They advised submitting this project for the next Biennial Six-Year Capital request in fall of 2024.
    3. Engineering Classroom Building: Johnson stated the College of Engineering (COE) project should start with visioning and site options analysis. The university previously invested heavily in site utility infrastructure for future academic development on the northwest end of Oval Drive prior to the decision to develop the Innovation District there. Conversely, there is no site utility infrastructure at the south end of The Oval, identified in the PMP for academic/research growth. This will need to be taken into consideration when budgeting for the project.Discussion ensued regarding endowment land swaps and other site options vis-a-vis density. D. Morton noted that COE Dean Pfaendtner envisions a multi-building project to address programmatic and growth needs. The committee is concerned about the timeline as COE has already reached about 35% of their growth goal. The committee advised discussions with External Affairs to request planning funding from the General Assembly’s short legislature session in summer of 2024.
    4. 111 Lampe Renovations: L. Johnson noted that funding allocated for the renovation of the 3rd and 4th floors was in the last biennium request two years ago. The renovation needs include building system upgrades, code compliance, and building envelope improvements for energy efficiency. The long-term program has not been finalized, but outstanding needs include moving Physics teaching from Fox Science Teaching Lab to 111 Lampe across from Riddick Hall, where their offices are located, plus the DELTA Testing Center that may now move to D.H. Hill long term as Venture IV is not a good fit for them in a private tenant building.Given Poe’s emerging needs, more classrooms and space for CED and Psychology will be allocated there      for the short- to mid-term until Poe is occupiable again. The Provost will discuss DELTA with Greg Raschke again and involve Campus Planning. They advised asking for all funding needed for Poe first, then using Lampe funding as a backup plan.
    5. Nuclear Research Reactor Feasibility Study: D. Morton explained COE’s need for a larger, more advanced reactor for research and experimentation regarding power production at a smaller scale. It cannot be consolidated with the existing reactor and its anticipated use is for the next 50 years. The study includes site recommendations and an environmental impact analysis. Two committees have been formed to assist with the study: a technical advisory committee and an external advisory committee to educate the public on the benefits.
    6. Athletics Self-Liquidating Authority Requests: S. Jones-Humienny reviewed the list of projects by category of security, AV, and technology in the areas of Carter-Finley, Reynolds Coliseum, Wolfpack Training Soccer Center, Dail Soccer, and Dail Softball. The projects total almost $38M but these cost of work numbers do not include soft costs. Athletics has a retiring debt fee that they want to reinstitute, but this will need approval from the student body, UNC-SO and the Board of Governors. The debt service fee is different from the Athletic fee. They are approaching this as a fee development strategy versus a priority list of projects, as their project priorities shift with donor gift opportunities.

Other Business
D. Morton reiterated that the PMP Orientation course must complete before the call for needs goes out. Campus Planning is hiring a manager for the Campus Development process and interviews are underway. The new process manager will facilitate strategic projects through this process and encourage stakeholders to participate.

Next Meeting:
Monday, December 18, 2023, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM for Project Execution agenda

Meeting Adjourned at 3:00 PM