Meeting - October 7, 2019


Monday, October 7, 2019
Holladay Hall Conference Room 18
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Approval of the Minutes – Arden

Consent Agenda (One Item) – Arden (5 mins.)

Action Items

  1. COE ECE AERPAW Research Lab Research
    Space Request #19-16 – Horowitz (15 mins)
  2. OFA Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)
    Centennial HQ
    Strategic Lease Request #19-18 – Aukhil (10 mins)

Information / Discussion Items

  1. Proactive Strategic Acquisition
    (Info Item 19.14) – Stafford/Aukhil (20 mins)
  2. Plant Sciences Building Milestones
    (Info Item 16.11) – Moore (10 mins)
  3. COS Statistics Eric Laber’s Lab
    Space Request #19-17 – Horowitz/Jones-Humienny (15 mins)
  4. Capital Projects Update
    (Info Item 17.03) – Smith (5 mins)

Other Business
Next Meeting: Monday, November 11, 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM


Monday, October 7, 2019
Primrose Hall Conference Room 101
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Members:  Warwick Arden; Charles Maimone; Mladen Vouk

Staff Support: Imran Aukhil; Jon Horowitz ; Louis Hunt; Sumayya Jones-Humienny; Duane Larick; Liz Moore; Doug Morton; Margery Overton; Cameron Smith; Harlan Stafford

Guests: Dan Green; Lori Johnson; Barbara Moses; Catherine Phillips; Lisa Van Roekel; Katharine Stewart

Approval of the Minutes

The Committee approved the August 8, 2019 meeting minutes, which have been posted.

Consent Agenda

The Committee approved the consent agenda item(s), comprising of Poole College of Management (PCOM) Jenkins MBA Program Strategic Lease Space, RTP, NC Strategic Lease Request #19-20.

Action Items

  1. COE ECE AERPAW Research Lab (Space Request #19-16): J. Horowitz stated that NSF has awarded the Aerial Experimental Research Platform for Advanced Wireless (AERPAW) to NC State as part of a consortium. COE is requesting headquarters space for office and electronic labs near existing mesh cell tower systems on Centennial Campus.  The committee requested larger grant proposals be presented regularly at USC meetings to review potential upcoming space needs. The committee approved the request to look for leased space proximate to Engineering Building II and Monteith Engineering Research Center.
  2. OFA Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) (Strategic Lease Request #19-18): I. Aukhil stated that AWE is requesting space in HQ Raleigh at Centennial Campus to accommodate student entrepreneur space for the program. B. Moses confirmed that there is funding available for salaries that could be used for rent. The Committee approved the space request contingent upon its use of existing funding allocations.

Information / Discussion Items

  1. Proactive Strategic Acquisition (Information Item 19.13): H. Stafford stated that this discussion continues the review from the August USC meeting. The University is not maximizing its leasing power and a strategic approach would be beneficial. I. Aukhil presented an analysis of University leases in private buildings. The leased space is concentrated within Wake County and is comprised of smaller square footages from multiple property owners. Further review is needed for space utilization, consolidation opportunities, and proposed processes that could benefit the University. The Committee requested that Staff Support provide additional information at future USC meetings.
  2. Plant Sciences Building Milestones (Info Item 16.11): L. Moore reviewed the memo from USC Staff Support to CALS regarding timeline milestones. Lori Johnson reminded the team that the University needs to track the partners’ leases and grants within the Plant Sciences Building. The Committee requested updates on the milestones at future USC meetings.
  3. COS Statistics Eric Laber’s Lab (Space Request #19-17): J. Horowitz reviewed the need for space, especially with the new Delta Airlines grant. S. Jones-Humienny stated that Eric Laber was displaced from Bureau of Mines due to the renovation project. Temporary space has been identified in Broughton Hall to accommodate current research and the new Delta Airlines grant. Long-term space identification is needed. J. Horowitz mentioned the critical need for appropriate high-profile space for the program; Centennial Campus may be the best location. The Committee directed Staff Support to continue meeting with College of Sciences regarding long-term options in appropriated and leased space.
  4. Capital Projects Status (Information Item 17.03): C. Smith reviewed projects and provided a handout.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM.