Meeting - November 9, 2022


November 9, 2022
Video Conference
10:30 PM – 12:00 PM

Approval of the Minutes – Arden (5 Minutes)
Consent Agenda (No Item(s) – Arden (0 Minutes)

Action Items

1. Physical Master Plan (2020) – L. Johnson (20 Minutes)

  • Enrollment Growth Planning and COE Growth (Related to Info Item 22.04 2022 Academic Space Analysis)

2. COE ECE Research Building II Room 301 – L. Moore (5 Minutes)

  • Space Request #22-24

3. ORI LAS Summer Conference on Applied Data Sciences (SCADS) Summer 2023, Partners 1 Suite 1100 – L. Van Roekel (5 Minutes)

  • Space Request #22-17

4. Holladay Hall Administrative Neighborhood & Principles (Info Item 21.08) – Related to University Advancement Fundraising Campaign Growth Space – S. Jones-Humienny (10 Minutes)

  • Space Request #18-14

Information / Discussion Items

1. Centennial Campus Receipt-Supported Buildings: 5-Year Plan for Financials (Info Item 21.01) – A. Knight/USC (15 Minutes)

  • Transition Plan Update for COE Short-term Growth in Research Building IV – L. Moore/L. Van Roekel (10 Minutes)

2. DH Hill, Jr. Library Comprehensive Study Update (Info Item 22.05) – S. Jones-Humienny (5 Minutes)

Next Meeting: Friday, December 7, 2022, 10:30 PM – 12:00 PM


Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Video Conference
10:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Attendance and Distribution
Members present: Warwick Arden; Charles Maimone; Mladen Vouk

Staff Support present: Alicia Knight; Christopher Ross; Don Hunt; Doug Morton; Jonathan Horowitz; Lisa Johnson; Lisa Van Roekel; Liz Moore; Margery Overton; Sumayya Jones-Humienny
Staff Support absent: Adrian Day; Cameron Smith; Jessie Askew;

Guests: Catherine Phillips; Lori Johnson
Guests absent: Adam Brueggemann; Barbara Moses

Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the October 26, 2022 meeting were approved and have been posted.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

Action Items

  1. Physical Master Plan (2020) – Enrollment Growth Planning and COE Growth (Related to Info Item 22.04 2022 Academic Space Analysis): Lisa Johnson recapped prior determinations for projected enrollment growth with all colleges growing at the rate of 5% on a straight line until 2030 with two exceptions. The College of Engineering (COE) will grow at the straight-line rate of 40% until 2030 and CVM will grow at the rate of 20% (8 students per year) until 2027. The discrepancy between the projected enrollment growth numbers previously used by the SmithGroup and the latest iteration from the Office of the Provost and Enrollment Management and Services (EMAS) is that the latter is more encompassing as it includes study abroad and co-op students. The committee approved that for the COE departmental-level growth, the SmithGroup should apply the same ratios by department previously used in order to match the revised total.
  2. COE ECE Research Building II Lab 301, Space Request #22-24: L. Moore stated that COE’s Electrical and Computer Engineering department is hiring new faculty that need fume hoods for their research and request Research IV Lab 301, which is currently vacant, and has a fume hood. The committee approved the space request and asked that any underutilized labs be repurposed for better utilization.
  3. Office of Research and Innovation (ORI), Laboratory for Analytic Sciences (LAS), Summer Conference on Applied Data Sciences (SCADS), Summer 2023, Centennial Campus, Space Request #22-17:  L. Van Roekel summarized that LAS will host the conference over ten weeks (including set up and take down) during June and July of 2023. The preferred location is on Centennial Campus near Venture Place and Poulton Innovation Center but leasing space is not feasible. LAS needs a commitment for exclusive space Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm for 50 participants. EMAS Registration and Records (R&R) will not be able to determine which specific classroom will be available for their use as early as LAS would like for their planning purposes as R&R must also accommodate summer classes and other events. The committee determined this case did not warrant making an exception to scheduling protocol and urged R&R to continue working with Staff Support and LAS to identify a building in which R&R will commit in writing prior to the end of the calendar year to providing dedicated space for SCAD’s use during the duration of their program.
  4. Holladay Hall Administrative Neighborhood & Principles (Info Item 21.08) – Related to University Advancement Fundraising Campaign Growth Space, Space Request #18-14: S. Jones-Humienny updated the committee on the status of some Advancement personnel vacating one suite on the Ground Floor of Holladay and moving to the Butler Building before Thanksgiving. This will solve some of the most immediate needs for the Office of General Counsel (Space Request #21-15) and the Office of the Provost; however, to solve additional space needs, Advancement must vacate Winslow Hall. To address Advancements space requests for additional hires and to consolidate their units into fewer locations, lease space must be procured to consolidate units from Winslow Hall and Broughton Hall, which is needed for renovation project swing space. Staff Support recommended a study to address Advancement as well as the multiple space needs in the Holladay Hall administrative neighborhood. The committee requested putting forth a proposal to the Chancellor for his direction on the vacated Holladay Hall suite space assignment as the near-term action. They stated that the highest priority is to absorb the projected growth for students, faculty, and staff; therefore, any study must focus on the overall projected growth but can include this neighborhood.

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Centennial Campus Receipt-Supported Buildings: 5-Year Plan for Financials (Info Item 21.01): A. Knight presented an update on the implementation of the space strategy that the Committee previously endorsed to over time, increase university space within the RSB’s (Poulton and Partners 1 to be private tenant leased buildings and for the remaining six RSB buildings to be used by university tenants to help address university projected growth over time as private leases expire/partners can be vacated). With expirations of private leases comes the opportunity to strategically migrate tenants, but doing so requires coordinating discussions with the Partnerships Office in order to maintain key partner relationships and avoid partner attrition. University Real Estate and Development (URED) will also begin outreach to colleges (starting with Engineering) to implement an updated financial support structure that outlines a 5-year space contribution model as well as to acknowledge all future space allocations of the university-held RSB buildings will be handled by the University Space Committee and increases in space will not require additional space contributions.
    Transition Plan Update for COE Short-term Growth in Research Building IV: L. Van Roekel and L. Moore updated the committee on the upcoming space assignment opportunities for Computer Science (CSC) and Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless (AERPAW) with the expiration of several leases. They also reviewed the latest plan for ECE to backfill the space vacated with the move of The Science House to the Cherry Building in January 2023.
    The committee advised seeking mutually beneficial opportunities for the vacation of space by private tenants for backfill by university tenants. They charged Staff Support to establish space principles so as to not underutilize space; however, they noted it would be preferable to have vacant space for a period of time rather than not having space available when it is needed for university tenants. When the pressure for space is better understood, the university needs to stay ahead of it for addressing projected growth. They cautioned not to lose partners as it may negatively impact the university’s reputation and recommended the continuation of communication and coordination between URED and the Partnerships Office in managing tenant migration efforts.
  2. DH Hill, Jr. Library Comprehensive Study Updated (Info Item 22.05): Times ran out before S. Jones-Humienny could present this topic; therefore, it will be deferred until the next meeting.

Other Business

Next Meeting:
Friday, December 7, 2023, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 PM