Meeting - May 21, 2018


Monday, May 21, 2018
Holladay Hall, Conference Room B8
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM

Attendees:  Warwick Arden, Scott Douglass, Mladen Vouk (for Alan Rebar), Jeff Bandini, Liz Moore, Catherine Phillips, Harlan Stafford, Lisa Van Roekel.

Guest: Imran Aukhil

Additional Distribution: Louis Hunt, Lisa Johnson, Lori Johnson, Sumayya Jones-Humienny, Lauren Joyner, Duane Larick, Doug Morton, Margery Overton, Cameron Smith, Cynthia Williford.

Action Item

  1. Space Lease Scenarios for COE, Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Systems Center, Keystone Science Center, Strategic Lease Scenario Review #18-18: L. Van Roekel distributed a handout detailing a review of three lease scenario strategies for the College of Engineering; Scenario 1: Relocate to New Leased Space; Scenario 2: Stay in Current Space and Execute 5-Year Option; Scenario 3: Stay in Current Space and Attempt to Recast Lease for 7 years. She stated that University Real Estate & Development recommend Scenario 3. I. Aukhil stated that the financial analysis for Scenario 1 included estimates for potential new rental rates and the space restoration costs. H. Stafford stated that in addition to the up-fit renovations the property owner completed as part of the current rental agreement, the college separately paid for additional renovations when FREEDM moved into the Keystone Science Center in 2010.  M. Vouk stated that the current lease is paid for with F&A funds. Further review of the grant and F&A structure is ongoing. Additionally, the ECE department is considering co-locating other units with FREEDM at Keystone Science Center, which would reduce the lease costs for each program. There are concerns regarding Scenario 1 due to the unknowns: potential lease costs, timeframe to complete renovations and relocate, the cost of up-fit renovations at a new location, the cost for space restoration at Keystone, and the funding sustainability model for FREEDM.  The committee directed University Real Estate and Development to meet with the College of Engineering, proceeding with Scenario 3 and explain the implications of a relocation.

Meeting Adjourned at 3:15 PM.