Meeting - March 4, 2019


Monday, March 4, 2019
Holladay Hall Conference Room 18
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Approval of the Minutes – Arden

Consent Agenda (No Item(s))

Action Items

  1. Backfill Plan for Fitts-Woolard
    (Info Item 18.12) re: Page and Daniels – Staff Support (15 mins.)

Information / Discussion Items

  1. Space Principles Update
    Info Item 19.01 – Jones-Humienny (15 mins.)
  2. Talley Student Union – Backfill Space Discussion
    Staff Support (10 mins)
  3. Bureau of Mines Renovation Update
    (Info Item 17.08) – Johnson (15 mins.)
  4. Memorial Belltower Renovation Update
    (Info Item 19.02) – Johnson (15 mins.)
  5. Brickhaven Occupants Relocation Update
    (Info Item 17.04) – Moore (10 mins.)
  6. Capital Projects Update
    (Info Item 17.03) – Smith (5 mins.)

Other Business
Next Meeting: Monday, April 8, 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM


Monday, March 4, 2019
Holladay Hall Conference Room 18
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Members:  Warwick Arden; Mary Peloquin-Dodd; Jon Horowitz (representing Mladen Vouk)

Staff Support: Jeff Bandini; Lisa Johnson; Lori Johnson; Sumayya Jones-Humienny; Duane Larick; Liz Moore; Doug Morton; Cameron Smith; Harlan Stafford

Guests: Lauren Joyner Cook; Barbara Moses; Catherine Phillips; David Rainer; Lisa Van Roekel

Approval of the Minutes

The Committee approved the February 4, 2019 meeting minutes with a correction to the type of agreement for the Administrative Services Annex; the meeting minutes have been posted.

Consent Agenda

There were no consent agenda items.

Action Items

  1. Backfill Plan for Fitts-Woolard (Info Item 18.12): L. Johnson reviewed the status of the backfill plan for Page and Daniels Halls. Recent updates include the addition of a Faculty Conference Space to Daniels Hall. The committee approved Staff Support to move forward with this working backfill plan for Page and Daniels.

Information / Discussion Items

  1. Space Principles (Info Item 19.01): S. Jones-Humienny stated that the Space Principles were last up- dated in 2013. She reviewed changes recommended by the Staff Support to emphasize the colleges’ and units’ stewardship of space and the priority for cross discipline sharing of resources. Discussion regarding the committee charge will require further review. The committee will provide additional direction regarding the space principles for the Staff Support to incorporate into the document.
  2. Talley Student Union – Space Discussion (Space Requests 18-31 & 16-02): L. Moore reviewed the re- quests for space in Talley Student Union for the Joyner Visitor Center, Passport Office, New Student Programs, and Campus Enterprises Operations staff. The second floor is the main floor and would be the ideal location for a Visitor Center presence and for relocation of the Passport Office. The committee directed Staff Support to work with DASA and Campus Enterprises to review priorities for the highest and best use of space throughout the building and bring options to a future USC meeting for review.
  3. Bureau of Mines Renovation Update (Info Item 17.08): L. Johnson and C. Smith provided an update on the renovation project status. The renovation will create open, high-volume office space; however, the student study mezzanine is an alternate, and the patio is not in the scope of work. The committee re- quested a review of the ground floor space and what programs could be accommodated if the space were renovated.
  4. Memorial Belltower Renovation Update (Info Item 02): L. Johnson reviewed the current plans for the renovations and the comments from the Campus Design Review Panel. Providing access to the site while complying with the principles of Universal Design presents a challenge given the short run and steep rise of the slope approaching the site. The design team is continuing to investigate design options.
  5. Brickhaven Occupants Relocation Update (Info Item 17.04): L. Moore reviewed the two handouts regarding the impact of the I-440 widening on the Brickhaven site. Two buildings will be demolished and the one remaining building will require parking to be Departmental information for the building occupants was included in the handouts. The proposed relocation plan was reviewed with Dean Linton of CALS. Staff support is continuing to work with the college to identify a suitable future location for 4-H and FFA.
  6. Capital Projects Status (Info Item 17.03): C. Smith reviewed projects and provided a handout.

Meeting Adjourned at 3:20 PM.