Meeting - December 2, 2019


Monday, December 2, 2019
Holladay Hall Conference Room 18
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Approval of the Minutes – Arden (5 mins)

Consent Agenda (One Item(s)) – Arden (5 mins.)

Action Items

  1. Classroom Evaluation (Fitts-Woolard Occupancy)
    (Info Item 19.20) – Moore (20 mins)
  2. Proactive Strategic Acquisition – 407 Gorman St.
    (Info Item 19.14) – Stafford/Aukhil (20 mins)

Information / Discussion Items

  1. CALS USDA at Lake Wheeler
    (Info Item #19.23) – Moore (5 mins)
  2. CALS Response to Plant Sciences Memo
    (Info Item 16.11) – Johnson (10 mins)
  3. Capital Projects Update
    (Info Item 17.03) – Smith (5 mins)

Other Business
Next Meeting: Monday, January 6, 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM


Monday, December 02, 2019
Holladay Hall, Conference Room 18

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Members present: Warwick Arden; Doug Morton (delegate for Charles Maimone); Mladen Vouk

Staff Support present: Imran Aukhil; Jonathan Horowitz; Louis Hunt; Lisa Johnson; Sumayya Jones-Humienny; Duane Larick; Liz Moore; Cameron Smith

Guests: Barbara Moses; Catherine Phillips; Katherine Stewart; Lisa Van Roekel; Michael Fausnight

Additional Distribution: Lori Johnson; Margery Overton; Matt Peterson; David Rainer; Harlan Stafford

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the November 11, 2019 meeting were approved and have been posted.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda item for the College of Education (CED), Scaling Up Digital Design Studies (SUDDS), Raleigh, NC, Strategic Lease Space Request #19-27 was approved.

Action Items

  1. Classroom Evaluation (Fitts-Woolard Occupancy) (Info Item 19.20) L. Moore stated with the opening of Fitts-Woolard Hall, all College of Engineering (COE) departments will be located on Centennial Campus except for Nuclear Engineering. She presented an analysis based on current course-taking patterns indicating the need for two generally scheduled (110) classrooms and three Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) classrooms on Centennial Campus. To address these needs, Staff Support recommends reverting Toxicology 2104 and converting Hunt Library Seminar Room 4106 to 110 classrooms. Because Mann Hall will be renovated and unavailable after COE moves to Fitts-Woolard, one DELTA classroom and seven 110 classrooms will be offline for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Therefore, Staff Support also recommends converting Daniels 322 to a generally scheduled distance education (110D) classroom and Daniels 123 to a 110 classroom to meet North Campus needs. Both classrooms will require renovation and audiovisual technology upgrades during the summer of 2020. The Committee approved these recommendations pending detail resolution with the impacted users/departments.
  2. Proactive Strategic Acquisition – 407 Gorman St. (Info Item 17.05): I. Aukhil presented a handout requesting approval to proceed with leasing the entire 8,100 SF property on be- half of the University for a 10-year term with a full-service rate (no additional operating expenses or annual reconciliations) and an escalation cap of 3% per annum. The Board of Trustees has already approved the 10-year lease. He proposed a financial model that accommodates flexible occupancy. TRIO is leasing the first floor through the end of FY 2021. SUDDS will vacate the second floor in January 2020 (see Consent Agenda item) and it will become available for another tenant; however, the second floor needs installation of a lift to make it handicapped accessible. The Committee raised questions on the backstop-funding source for lease gaps and appropriate units to backfill the space. They approved the request pending identification of the backstop-funding source and confirming the cost to install a lift.

Information / Discussion Items

  1. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), USDA at Lake Wheeler (Info Item 17.06): L. Moore explained USDA wishes to spend $30 million to construct a new facility on a ground lease at Lake Wheeler Road Field Labs for a Plant Sciences Initiative (PSI) delivery of agriculture field-testing. This function now occurs at Reedy Creek on NCDA land in buildings NC State leases. The new building would house a mix of NC State’s and USDA’s occupants. USDA had originally requested this building be located proximate to the Plant Sciences Building on Centennial Campus, but its size and character are more appropriate for Lake Wheeler. It will be sited north of the Howling Cow Dairy Education Center and Creamery on the same site as CALS’ proposed agriculture demonstration building. More information will be forthcoming in early 2020.
  2. CALS’ Response to Plant Sciences Memo (Info Item 16.11): L. Johnson reviewed CALS’ October 31, 2019 response to the USC’s memo dated October 3, 2019 regarding planned occupancy of the new Plant Sciences Building (PSB). The memo states the Cellular and Molecular Imaging Facility (CMIF) headquarters will reside in the PSB, with a satellite lo- cation on main campus to be determined. The Genomic Sciences Laboratory (GSL) headquarters will continue to operate out of Thomas Hall with a satellite location in PSB to be determined. This determination depends on discussions with an outside partner on a potentially synergistic plant genotyping facility. The Molecular Education, Technology and Research Innovation Center (METRIC) is located in several buildings, with the bulk of instrumentation in Polk and Dabney Halls. METRIC will continue to function as such and will locate a satellite facility in PSB. The Game Changing Research Incentive Program for the Plant Sciences Initiative (GRIP4PSI) selection of final proposals will be determined in December 2019, with work to begin in 2020. The PSI Executive Director will be selected and in place by March 2020. This director will have input and the final decision on many of the occupancy assignments. L. Johnson requested decisions be made on vacated space for determining how to repurpose that backfill space soon. The Committee questioned what proportion of the PSB occupancy will be allocated to GRIP4PSI. The Committee directed CALS to provide further updates after they meet with Staff Support in March 2020.
  3. Capital Projects Update (Info Item 17.03) C. Smith distributed the Capital Projects Update handout and reviewed the status of projects in design and construction.

Other Business

Next Meeting:
Monday, January 6, 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM meeting was canceled due to a light agenda.
Monday, February 3, 2020, 2:00 – 3:30 PM

Meeting Adjourned at 3:40 PM.