Meeting - June 1, 2020


Monday, June 1, 2020
Video Conference
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Approval of the Minutes  – Arden (5 mins)

Consent Agenda (Two Item(s)) – Arden (5 mins)

Action Items

  1. CALS NCARS USDA IR-4, Strategic Lease Space Proximate to Venture IV or Varsity Research Building, Space Request #20-06 (Related to #19-25) – Stafford/Van Roekel (10 mins)

Information / Discussion Items

  1. COVID-19 Impacts (Info Item 20.04) – Staff Support (20 mins)
  2. Global Engagement (Formerly OIA), Intensive English Program (IEP), Strategic Lease, 2526 Hillsborough St. (Related to Space request #13-04) – Stafford/Van Roekel (10 mins)
  3. Capital Projects Update (Info Item 17.03) – Smith (5 mins)

Other Business
Next Meeting: Monday, July 6, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM


Monday, June 1, 2020
Video Conference
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Members present: Warwick Arden; Charles Maimone; Mladen Vouk

Staff Support present: Cameron Smith; Doug Morton; Duane Larick; Harlan Stafford; Imran Aukhil; Jonathan Horowitz; Lisa Johnson; Lisa Van Roekel; Liz Moore; Margery Overton; Sumayya Jones-Humienny

Guests: Barbara Moses; Katherine Stewart; Lori Johnson

Additional Distribution: Catherine Phillips; David Rainer; Louis Hunt; Matt Peterson

Approval of the Minutes

The minutes of the May 4, 2020 meeting were approved and have been posted.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. CED Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development, Educational (ELPHD) Community Counseling, Education and Research Center, Strategic Sublease Termination, 112 Cox Ave., (Related to Space Re- quest #17-06) was approved.
  2. Provost Office, Ombuds, Strategic Lease, 112 Cox Ave., (Related to Space Request #15-01) was approved.

Action Items

  1. CALS NCARS USDA IR-4, Strategic Lease Space Proximate to Venture IV or Varsity Research Building, Space Request #20-06 (Related to #19-25): The IR-4 program has relocated the Executive Director to NC State, begun advertising for four professional/technical experts, and is slated to hire additional people in 2020, projecting to reach capacity in their temporary Partners II space by December. They will hire more people in 2021, requiring larger space to accommodate 22-35 people total. The committee directed University Real Estate & Development (URED) to explore options for backfilling vacated lease space still under contract and to consider different paradigms for working in person given COVID-19 implications.

Information / Discussion Items

  1. COVID-19 Impacts (Info Item 20.04): J. Horowitz gave a presentation on the reduction of research activity after Chancellor Woodson’s March 17th announcement to close or significantly limit core services and facilities and the joint effort by the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI), Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), and Facilities to phase its reopening beginning on May 18th. The first phase of recommissioning included buildings with animal facilities, university shared core research facilities, and COVID-19-related PPE manufacturing operations. Subsequent phases focused on buildings requested as sites of research ramp-up projects. New protocols for lab operation include reducing capacity, scheduling work shifts, requiring PPE (including face masks), and increasing sanitation practices.
  2. Global Engagement (Formerly OIA), Intensive English Program (IEP), Strategic Lease, 2526 Hillsborough St. (Related to Space request #13-04): The IEP program is disbanding due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, but their lease does not expire until April 2022. The committee directed Staff Support to explore options for backfilling the space with other academic uses and subleasing opportunities.
  3. Capital Projects Status (Info Item 17.03): C. Smith noted that the reporting structure for this item is changing to focus on large and small projects having impacts on space, backfill planning, and sequencing of moves. He stated that after the College of Engineering (COE) vacates Mann Hall to move to Fitts-Woolard Hall for spring semester 2021 start, Mann will undergo structural repair work, but more funding is needed to address additional structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and architectural issues, including window and building envelope replacement, HVAC, electrical and plumbing upgrades, and ADA compliance.

Other Business

Next Meeting:
Monday, August 3, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Meeting Adjourned at 3:30 PM.