Undergraduate Education

Appointment Letter

July 1, 2021

TO:                   2021-22 Council on Undergraduate Education Committee

FROM:             W. Randolph Woodson, Chancellor

SUBJECT:        Appointment to University Standing Committee on Council on Undergraduate Education

You have been recommended by the Committee on Committees to serve as a member of the University Standing Committee, Council on Undergraduate Education.  Your willingness to accept this responsibility is very much appreciated.

The objectives of this committee are:

  1. In consultation with the Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, advise the Provost in matters relating to undergraduate education and the General Education Program.
  2. Assist in the development, revision, and evaluation of university regulations with regard to general education and the General Education Program for all undergraduate curricula.
  3. Review courses for inclusion on the university’s list of courses which can be used to satisfy General Education Program requirements.
  4. Develop and conduct periodic reviews of the General Education course lists.
  5. CUE in conjunction with the Office of Assessment in the Division of Academic and Student Affairs will develop recommendations for implementation of assessment procedures for general education courses and categories.
  6. Advise the Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs on procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of general education and the General Education Program and related policies as they are implemented and for initiating proposals for policy revisions.
  7. Consult with the Faculty Senate’s Academic Policy Committee for consideration of policies, procedures or other matters pertaining to the academic mission of the university.

The committee is reminded of the importance of complying with General Faculty Bylaws, Article VII, Section 4, which requires that “All University standing and ad hoc committees shall forward reports simultaneously to the Faculty Senate and the appropriate administrator. Any action of the Faculty Senate in response to the report will be forwarded to the administrator.”  The reports are to be accessible from the committee’s University Standing Committee website no later than May 27, 2022.  This provision enables the Faculty Senate to review and comment on the recommendations of your committee in a timely fashion.  It has generally been understood to include any formal committee minutes where these are regularly posted on the committee’s website and formal recommendations that are submitted for administrative review and approval.

Your service as an active committee member is appreciated.  Each committee member is normally appointed to a three-year term, which is subject to periodic and annual review.  By choosing to serve on the committee you are expected to actively participate and attend all scheduled meetings.  Should you not be able to participate on a regular basis, please notify the committee chair as soon as possible.

The committee must comply with NC State’s Open Meetings Regulation available here.  Committee chairs are to use the committee’s web page provided at https://committees.provost.ncsu.edu/university-standing-committees/.  Please contact Li Marcus for assistance in using the website and other administrative needs to support the committee’s work.

You do not have to take any action to accept this appointment.  The committee chair will be in touch with you soon regarding plans for the coming year.

Again, thank you for your willingness to serve on this committee.