Meeting - November 16, 2015


November 16, 2015

Time: 3:00-4:00

Room/Building: 1301 Student Health Services

Members Present: Jackie Bruce (chair), Phil Sannes, Cynthia Levine, Natalie Ames, Melissa White, Matthew Yanik, Jose Padilla,

Ex-Officio Members Present: Leah Arnett, Monica Osburn, Caroline Ortiz-Deaton

Guests: None

Call to Order: Jackie Bruce

Welcome & Introductions

  • Members were welcomed and introduced

Old Business


New Business

  •  Monica Osburn presented data on Student Counseling Services
    • Post presentation, committee renewed interest in improving the communication flow between SHS and the colleges/faculty/staff/students. Each member is to bring potential ideas to the next meeting to discuss for future committee direction.

Meeting adjurned on time

Next meeting January 2016

Minutes submitted by- Jackie Bruce, Chair