Meeting - February 3, 2016


Time: 11:00-12:00

Rm /Building: 1301 Student Health

Call To Order – Jackie Bruce, Chair


Welcome and Introduction


  • Jackie Bruce (for Leah Arnett),
  • For Mental Health:
    • One of the things that came up was the communication aspect after an incident. The post-vention team is working on this
  • Student Health:
    • For student health we have extended dental to all faculty and staff on Centennial Campus and Cates Ave.
    • Staff and Faculty can also use Pharmacy and retail pharmacy as well as massage services.
    • Post doc insurance plan is being reviewed by General Administration.

Old Business

  • Review presentation data from Dr. Monica Osburn on Counseling Services

New Business

  • Brain storm goals of Committee – Committee
  • Identify FY priorities based on data presented?
  • Serve as advisors?
  • Be active participants in fundraisers/events?
  • Conduct needs assessment?
  • Focus groups with students?
  • Help support and develop proposal for additional space for CC and SHS?


Agenda prepared by – Jackie Bruce, Chair, February 2, 2016


Time: 11:00-12:00

Room/Building: 1301 Student Health Services

Members Present: Jackie Bruce (chair), Cynthia Levine, Yvonne Matos

Ex-Officio Members Present: Monica Osburn,

Guests: None

Call to Order: Jackie Bruce

Welcome & Introductions

  • Members were welcomed and introduced

Old Business

  • Review of Monica Osburn’s presentation of data on Student Counseling Services
    • Committee members asked clarifying questions for potential future directions

New Business

  •  Committee members brainstormed potential directions including advocacy and communication.
    • Monica shared some of the needs from her perspective, most especially acting as gatekeepers into populations of which we are members outside this committee
    • Cynthia Levine asked if we could have data similar to what Monica shared for Student Health Services in order to have a well-rounded picture of SHS. ACTION: Leah will bring data similar to what Monica shared for Student Health to the next meeting.
    • Cynthia Levine brought up the website. What is on the web for Student Counseling Services? Is everything that Monica shared with us in the “faculty folder” as easily accessible on the web? ACTION: Committee members will explore the website(s) to see where information is located and what search terms bring us to what information.
    • Jackie Bruce brought up a needs assessment to discover what faculty know and what they don’t as a vehicle to start making recommendations for information or outreach. Monica said that the Title XI Committee may be working on something similar. ACTION: Monica will explore what is going on with the Title XI committee in order to not duplicate efforts.

Meeting adjourned on time

Next meeting March 2016

Minutes submitted by- Jackie Bruce, Chair