Meeting - September 4, 2014


  • Welcome
  • Introduction of Members
  • Old Business
  • Approval of February 6, 2014 minutes
  • Subcommittee Reports
  • Campus Planning & Design and Campus Resource Conservation Subcommittee
    • Textiles Innovation Center Study
  • Parking & Transportation Subcommittee
  • Sign up for individual subcommittees
  • New Business
  • Next Meeting: October 2, 2014 Location: Winslow Hall Conference Room


Winslow Hall Conference Room

Chair Barbara Fair called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. The following voting members attended the meeting: Aram Attarian, Lisa Bass, Dick Bernhard, Debbie Carraway, Karen DeWitt, Allen Emory, Barbara Fair, Gabriel Firestone, Zachary Harris, David Kelly, Susan Lisk, Yasmeen Mansour, Steve Shannon, Shannon Warchol, Chris Webster, and Willy Yamamoto.

EX-OFFICO: Cathy Reeve and Tom Skolnicki

GUESTS: Harlan Stafford and Brian Jones from Centennial Campus Development Office; Bryan Gibson and Sharron Scroggin from Hagersmith Design; Michael Blount and Jim Little from KeyStone Corporation; Jerry Beckman from SEPI Engineering and Construction

Barbara Fair welcomed the committee members. She read the committee charge and subcommittee responsibilities and asked that members be prepared to sign up for one or both of the subcommittees at the end of the meeting. She then asked them to introduce themselves.

OLD BUSINESS: Barbara Fair called for a motion to approve the minutes for the February 6, 2014 meeting. The motion was made and seconded and minutes were unanimously approved.

Barbara Fair asked Tom Skolnicki to describe the work of Campus Planning & Design and Campus Resource Conservation Subcommittee. Skolnicki said the subcommittee receives briefings from design teams at the design stage of projects and makes recommendations to the full committee. He added there are few upcoming projects scheduled for the foreseeable future.

Subcommittee meetings are usually held on Thursdays two weeks prior to the full committee meeting. Since the subcommittee does not have any projects to review prior to the October 2 meeting, the subcommittee will not meet in September.

Textiles Innovation Center Study:
Fair asked Skolnicki to introduce the Textiles Innovation Center Study. Skolnicki said the University has been trying to get the building built for two years to conduct much needed research. Large pieces of machinery have been donated for the building. The developer, KeyStone Corporation, has begun a feasibility study. Skolnicki asked Harlan Stafford, Centennial Campus Development Office Real Estate Director, to provide more details and introduce the development team to present the project. Stafford said they sent out Request for Qualifications. Five companies responded, three were selected for interviews, and KeyStone Corporation was selected.

The building will be built on a 2.6 acre site on the southwest corner of Main Campus Drive and Research Drive. KeyStone Corporation will build the structure on land leased from the University. The building would be owned and managed by the developer. All space in the building would be leased by the developer. The Nonwovens Institute (a university center) would rent space from the developer.

Stafford introduced the team who presented the plan. Team members included Bryan Gibson and Sharron Scroggin from Hagersmith Design, Michael Blount and Jim Little from KeyStone Corporation, and Jerry Beckman from SEPI Engineering and Construction.

The proposed 102,370 gross square foot (GSF) building includes 41,880 GSF of space for the Nonwoven Innovation Pilot Facility and 60,490 GSF of private market rate office space for lease. The project includes structured parking sufficient for the new building and the relocation of the existing parking.

The building will have a look that is consistent with Partners I with similar setbacks. It will be as tall as Partners I, but not as tall as the College of Textiles. The main entrance will be on Main Campus Drive. Inside there will be a 50-foot high bay space with offices on top. A public corridor will run the length of the building on the first floor.

Construction challenges include a very confined space, a 40-foot drop from the front to the rear of the site, and loss of a large amount of vegetation, especially on the southwest corner.

The site will have two primary Stormwater features. One is already there. A second will be constructed. In answer to a question about the features, the one already there is below ground. The other will be an above ground wetland.

The committee had a number of questions and suggestions following the presentation:

  • What is not feasible about the project? Money is the big question, and it is tight site. The challenge is to build a building around the equipment and make it economically successful.
  • With the loss of so much vegetation as a result of the project, has a rooftop garden been considered? While it is early on in planning, it could be considered. The building will, however, require a tremendous amount of cooling, which will be on the roof. They would try to integrate a solar system as they have now on their Keystone building at Varsity and Main Campus Drives. What about green roof panels under the solar system? That could be considered.
  • If a green roof is not feasible on the building, then could a green roof be considered on the deck? While the initial building cost would be higher, there is likely a long term gain with such an approach.
  • Is there a plan to recapture used chilled water? Looking at a tie in with the Centennial Campus Utility Plant.
  • How many levels is the connected parking deck? It is 2-1/2 levels above grade. It will contain 275 spaces.
  • Who will be able to use the connected parking deck? Only the occupants of the building will be allowed its use. Comment: There needs to be good access control system for the deck
  • Where will others who work at the College of Textiles park? The parking situation is being studied.
  • Parking for service vehicles may still need to located on site
  • What is the thought behind having a bridge to the building? It is for convenience.
  • Will the mulched bed near the few remaining surface parking spaces remain, and even more greenery added? That is under review.
  • How will the development on the southeast corner affect the existing lot? Three spaces will be lost to provide a home for some of the utilities below ground – oil tank, transformers. Looking at where to replace those spaces.
  • The loading dock looks tight. Yes, but it is feasible.
  • Is the Stormwater BMP on the greenway a hole? It is the lowest point of the site, 3400 square feet of surface area and 2 feet deep for storage of storm water. KeyStone will maintain the BMP. They are working on an easement access to maintain the portion of the BMP that is off the lease area.
  • In tighter spaces such as south of the Center are there possibilities for some storm water devices?
  • What about the noise level in the high bay area? That will be handled.

Summary of Comments to the Project Team:

  1. The project should look for ways to offset the increase in impervious surfaces, such as adding extensive green roofs or providing other storm water devices than shown. Consider a BMP in the green space between the new building and the College of Textiles.
  2. Consider adding access control to the parking deck.
  3. Parking for service vehicles may still need to occur on the site. Consider including those spaces in the total parking count provided for the project.

Chair Fair called for a motion to recommend proceeding with the feasibility study with special attention given to the questions, concerns, and recommendations of the committee. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.

Barbara Fair asked Cathy Reeve to describe the work of the Campus Parking & Transportation Subcommittee. Cathy discussed the subcommittee’s work and encouraged everyone to consider signing up for the subcommittee.

Subcommittee meetings are usually held on Thursdays one week prior to the full committee meeting from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Administrative Services I Building. However, this month the meeting will be held on September 18 – two weeks prior.

Barbara Fair distributed the blank sign-up sheets and asked the members to sign up for one or both of the subcommittees. She called for volunteers to serve as chairs. Chris Webster volunteered to serve as chair of the Parking & Transportation Subcommittee. Karen DeWitt said she would chair the Campus Planning & Design and Campus Resource Conservation Subcommittee.

There was no other new business. The committee adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

The next meeting of the full PEC is scheduled for October 2 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Winslow Hall Conference Room.