Meeting - December 5, 2013


  • Welcome
  • Old Business
  • Approval of October 3, 2013 minutes
  • Subcommittee Reports
  • Parking & Transportation Subcommittee
    • 2014-2015 Parking System Changes and Fee Increases –Thomas Kendig and Gregory Cain
    • Mobility Plan – Michael Ousdahl
  • New Business
  • Nominate Chair for Academic Year 2014-2015
  • Next Scheduled Meeting: January 9, 2014

Location: Winslow Hall Conference Room


Winslow Hall Conference Room

Chair Erin Champion called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. The following voting members attended the meeting: Aram Attarian, Debbie Carraway, Erin Champion, Allen Emory, Barbara Fair, Rob Farrell, Matthew High, Tom Karches, Susan Lisk, Joel Pawlak, and Alan Tonelli.

EX-OFFICO: Tom Kendig

GUESTS: Greg Cain and Michael Ousdahl from Transportation

WELCOME: Erin Champion welcomed the committee members and guests.

Erin Champion called for a motion to approve the minutes for the October 3, 2013 meeting. The motion was made and seconded and minutes were unanimously approved.


The subcommittee had nothing to report.

Erin Champion asked Tom Kendig to provide the subcommittee report. Tom asked Greg Cain to present the proposed changes in parking permit prices for academic year 2014-2015. Greg said Transportation is proposing a 3 percent increase in parking fees each of the next four years to cover the growing transit expenses, particularly at Centennial Campus. Aram Attarian asked where the money goes. Tom responded that all the money stays on campus to support Transportation services.

Since the subcommittee had already approved the increase for 2014-2015, Erin called for a vote to approve. All voted in favor with one opposed – Aram Attarian.

Following the vote, Alan Tonelli commented about the lack of raises for the last number of years, and said if there are no raises, then a cap should be put on services and fees.

Susan Lisk asked whether parking cost could be based on salary. Tom responded that it could not be implemented here.

Tom Kendig asked Michael Ousdahl to provide the update to the 2012 Mobility Plan. Michael presented the campus mobility plan for 2012-2022. Wolfline service has always been tied to campus expansion at Centennial Campus and Centennial Biomedical Campus.

Ridership continues to grow. In FY 2013, 17,000 passengers per day used the Wolfline. University-related population ridership is projected to grow 20% by 2022 with virtually all activity growth to occur on or impact the Centennial Campus

  • 7,130 students (2011)
  • 8,813 students (2017)
  • 10,874 students (2022)

As a result, Wolfline service and capital investments are needed to meet the anticipated growth in travel patterns.

Plans for fall 2014 include:

  • Six new El Dorado Arrivo buses. Each bus can transport 70 passengers.
  • Service frequency will be increased for:
  • Route 1: Avent Ferry
  • Route 3: Engineering
  • Route 9: Gorman St. Local
  • Route 10: Southside Circulator
  • Route 10: Southside Circulator will change

In fall 2015 Farmers Market Park-and-Ride Lot will be available and the Farmers Market Express route will be added.

Over the long term (2017-2022), capital improvements will include:

  • Articulated buses
  • Centennial Transit Center
  • Avent Ferry/Western tunnel
  • Ligon Street tunnel expansion
  • Wolf Village stop improvements
  • Pullen Road extension
  • Southwest Park-and-Ride (Avent Ferry/Gorman)
  • Commuter/LRT stations

Service improvements will include:

  • Improved frequency
  • Route 3: Engineering
  • Route 8: Southeast Loop
  • Route 11: Village Link
  • New routes
  • Route 2+4 (combined)
  • Centennial Circulator
  • Southwest Express
  • Rail station service

Michael asked for questions and comments. Debbie Carraway said the Farmers Market Park-and-Ride is a good idea. Alan Tonelli asked whether the new park-and-ride would be free. Tom confirmed it would be. Susan Lisk asked whether evening service was increasing. Tom replied that five routes were added last year and an extra bus has been added to the Engineering route in the evening. Susan asked whether housekeepers who come in at 4:00 a.m. have ever been offered bus transportation from park-and-rides. Tom said it had been attempted. However, it was not successful. Aram Attarian asked whether Transportation has considered using electric vehicles for parking enforcers. Tom replied Transportation has not found any electric vehicles that would meet demand.

Erin Champion called for nominations for chair for academic year 2014-2015. Barbara Fair said she would serve. Her nomination was approved unanimously by the committee.

Barbara remarked that she is on the committee to make positive changes. However, the committee does not have much business to attend to. Erin responded that the university is going through a slow period of construction, which is the reason for the lack of committee business.

Barbara would like to hear from Grounds Management about the care of our trees. Following the meeting, Erin asked Ron Grote to schedule a presentation in early 2014.

There was no other new business. The committee adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the full PEC is scheduled for January 9 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Winslow Hall Conference Room.