Meeting - September 5, 2013
- Welcome
- Introduction of Members
- Old Business
- Approval of April 11, 2013 minutes
- Subcommittee Reports
- Campus Planning & Design and Campus Resource Conservation Subcommittee
- Parking & Transportation Subcommittee
- Sign up for individual subcommittees
- New Business
- Next Meeting: October 3, 2013
Location: Winslow Hall Conference Room
Winslow Hall Conference Room
Erin Champion, chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. The following voting members attended the meeting: Aram Attarian, Ronald Baynes, Debbie Caraway, Erin Champion, Rusty Earl, Allen Emory, Barbara Fair, Matt Gunnet, Matthew High, Tom Karches, Susan Lisk, Veronica Mbaneme, Joel Pawlak, Steve Shannon, Alan Tonelli, and Chris Webster.
EX-OFFICO: Tom Kendig, Tom Skolnicki
GUESTS: From the Technician: Joseph Havey, Elizabeth Davis, Danielle Schmidt
WELCOME: Erin Champion welcomed the committee members and guests and asked them to introduce themselves
Erin Champion called for a motion to approve the minutes for the April 11, 2013 meeting. The motion was made and seconded and minutes were unanimously approved
Erin Champion asked Tom Kendig to describe the work of the Campus Parking and Transportation Subcommittee. Kendig said the 10-year Transportation Master Plan has been completed. He added that Transportation looks to the PEC for guidance each year on the parking ordnance.
Subcommittee meetings are usually held on Thursdays one week prior to the full committee meeting. The subcommittee is scheduled to meet on September 26 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in Administrative Services I Building.
Erin Champion asked Tom Skolnicki to describe the work of Campus Planning and Design and Resource and Conservation Subcommittee. Skolnicki said the subcommittee receives briefings from design teams at the design stage of projects and makes recommendations to the full committee. He added there are few upcoming projects scheduled for the foreseeable future. The Centennial Biomedical Campus Flex Building might be ready for presentation this year.
At the October 3 meeting, Tom will present the major recommendations contained in the five year update to the Physical Master Plan.
Subcommittee meetings are usually held on Thursdays two weeks prior to the full committee meeting. Since the subcommittee does not have any projects to review at this time, the subcommittee will not meet prior to the October 3 full committee meeting.
Erin Champion asked the committee members to sign up for either or both subcommittees. She circulated the sign-up sheets. Everyone signed up for at least one subcommittee. Barbara Fair volunteered to chair the Campus Planning and Design and Resource and Conservation Subcommittee.
There was no new business. The committee adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the full PEC is scheduled for October 3 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Winslow Hall Conference Room.