
Committee Charge

August 1, 2015

Administrative Support Office: NCSU Libraries (William Cross: Director, Digital Scholarship and Publishing)

Meeting Schedule

The Copyright Committee meets approximately eight times a year. The schedule is determined as copyright issues arise.

Committee Charge

  1. Review copyright questions and make recommendations to the Provost regarding issues of ownership, existence of “shop rights,” alternative royalty sharing, and other exceptions to the REG 01.25.03, Copyright Regulation – Copyright Implementation Pursuant to Copyright Use and Ownership Policy of the University of North Carolina.
  2. Regularly review the implementation of REG 01.25.03 and make recommendations for change when needed.
  3. Assist in identifying educational needs of the faculty and others related to compliance with copyright policies and regulations, and to advise the provost on appropriate ways to address those needs.
  4. Consult with the Faculty Senate’s Resources and Environment Committee for consideration of policies, procedures or other matters pertaining to faculty concerns.