
Committee Charge

September 1, 2014

Administrative Support Office: Registration and Records (Louis Hunt, Vice Provost and University Registrar)

Contact for web site: Teresa Dail

Meeting Schedule

The Commencement Committee meets once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. The meetings are usually scheduled in late March and late October on a Monday from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Committee Charge

  1. Continuously review the scheduling and programming of the commencement exercises and associated events, particularly in regard to the form and content of the commencement exercise itself.
  2. Attend commencement to enable members to recommend needed improvements.
  3. Make recommendations to the Chancellor concerning all of these matters, including speakers.
  4. Consult with the Faculty Senate’s Academic Policy committee for consideration of policies and procedures as they pertain to academic matters.