Committee On Committees
Committee Charge
July 26, 2023
The Committee on Committees, composed of the provost and executive vice chancellor (chair), senior vice provost for faculty and academic affairs, the vice chancellor and dean for academic and student affairs, and the past chair or chair-elect and chair of the Faculty Senate, chair of the student senate and student body president is responsible for recommending annually to the chancellor the composition and charge for each University Standing Committee, its chair, and its faculty and staff members.
The Committee on Committees, authorized through the General Faculty Bylaws (See the General Faculty Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2.), provides assistance and consultation to the chancellor and vice chancellors in the creation of annual appointments of university-level committees. In particular, with regard to standing committees, the Committee on Committees annually conducts a poll of the general faculty and staff to determine individual interest in serving on the University Standing Committees, the Committee on Committees annually reviews the charges and membership and, based on information obtained from the poll of the general faculty which is initially reviewed by the Faculty Senate, recommendations from Student Government and Student Senate, and recommendations from the Staff Senate, recommends to the chancellor the annual appointment of each standing committee.